“She was the only person he knew who could torture him by simply being in this world.”
Dinner with Godot
“Alle nove del mattino, mentre camminava verso la metropolitana, Mosca era buia come il bosco delle favole, quelle in cui l’eroina sta per essere in pericolo e qualcuno deve correre a salvarla.”
“That’s the thing about those who indulge in nothing — they can only take it so far before they’ll end up wanting everything.”

“As they set someone’s car on fire or have sex with a stranger at their own wedding, Szifron’s characters go beyond — which is essentially what every character dreams to do. Leaping into the darkest land of nowhere, which, even if it sounds a bit nostalgic, can be done much more artistically than existentially.”
Be Mindful When You’re Engulfed in Flames
“There were only two things that she firmly despised: pears and endings. The firsts were doughy, the seconds were definite.”
Those things we say
“Compassionately, Shakespeare reminds us that our attempt to find purpose in this life is not insignificant — it is the only thing we have.”
The Absurdly Meaningful Quest for Purpose in King Lear and Hamlet
“Austen’s greatest accomplishment is to reveal us through
the story something about ourselves: we often
forget to question our deepest beliefs,
we run into conclusions when it is too soon to judge,
and we minimise that the positions we take in life
create the real source of our happiness.”
One and Many Truths Artistically Acknowledged
Sara grew up in Italy, lived in the US and the UK, where she received her M.A. in Literature from the University of Essex. Her work has appeared in ‘tina, Hook Magazine, Fauxmoir, Scribble, In Parentheses, Storgy, the Durham University Postgraduate English Journal, and Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal. She is a Fiction reader at The Maine Review.